Petrovice u Karvine: X competition for the Challenge Cup in fire sport

Anonymous Thursday, August 06, 2015

For 10 year of the Challenge Cup in fire attack took place on the first Saturday of August in Lower Marklovice, which came together on 16 male and 4 female teams.

Reportáž / Reportage:

Zdroj / Source: Petrovice u Karviné: X competition for the Challenge Cup in fire sport:

Among the teams could not miss the home team of Marklovice. After the first-time quality Cottbus, showed an attack below the 16-seconds of firefighters from Upper Dry and Markvartice. Then it came to the crunch. To start preparing the team obstinate Lhota, who held a 18-point continuous 4th place, while at the 3 Marklovice lost 3 points. The timer but after an excellent time of 14.04 [fourteen-oh-four] on the left target, stop right until a second later. Finally it was therefore up to 6 total time, and thus 5 points to a table. Marklovice squad went to his attempt soon. The resulting time of 14.63, set to rival the bar very high.

Firefighters from Marklovice so keep an overall third place in this year of the next four points before haughtily Lhota. As a dramatic plot took place in the battle of 1 and 2 instead. Czech Cieszyn Bridges lost over the heads Mistrovice 3 points. On his decisive attack the fire season, but managed to maximally concentrate. Excellent design in Lower Marklovice get to the final time 14.23 Immediately after the Czech Cieszyn began to prepare for his start and had Mistřovice after preparing a base to keep the nerves at bay.

That they managed to carry out an attack during a time of 14.11 [fourteen eleven] and defended the overall victory and 8 points in the table. Katogorii winners in women has become firewomen of Oprechtice before Karvina borders and Albrechtice.

Foto Zdroj / Source: Petrovice u Karviné: X competition for the Challenge Cup in fire sport:

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