Rychvald: 120 years of SDH Rychvald

Anonymous Sunday, June 21, 2015

Volunteer firefighters in Rychvald was founded in 1895 and today is held June 21 anniversary celebration of 120 years since its founding.

According to the founding protocol was voluntary fire corps in Rychvald founded March 17, 1895 as the eighth Czech choir at the former Těšínsko.

Anniversary celebration started in front of the cultural house ceremonial arrival of a short remembrance for the dead firefighters.

At the city office, then deputy mayor of firefighters adopted Sarka Kapková. She thanked those present for their voluntary work and contribution to the city. Gala reception was terminated registration in the memorial book.

Then everyone moved into the cultural hall of the house, where they began a festive meeting.

There are awards were members of the congregation, whether for service and loyalty, the merit or exemplary work and representation.

Choir lived to see one of the highest awards and awarding ribbons to historical Battalion, who received in 2010.

Ceremonial meeting, however, was far from the only event that firefighters prepared to celebrate.

From Friday to Monday at the premises of the fire station open for public exhibition "From history to the present"

And wish rychvaldským firefighters in future years?

Wishing you many successes we say goodbye too.